Today is one of those days that gives me hope that once again it will be summer. Yes, my yard is still covered with over a foot of snow but I can see some grass peaking out where paths were shoveled. And the sun is shinning and feels so warm. I'm feeling confident the Twin Cities is turning the corner into spring.
E and I headed out this morning for some much needed Mommy E alone time. E is a Daddy's boy through and through. He'll even go through phases where he'll want nothing to do with me which of course breaks my heart but I get it, he's with Mike 24/7 and he's a toddler. It doesn't help that with my work schedule I barely see E for 2 days and then it takes him a day or so to adjust that Mom is back home. So E and I needed some quality 1-on-1 time. And frankly, Mike's been getting a little too comfortable in his AHD routine so I forced him out of the house to do something on his own.
First stop for E and I, Caribou. I've been on a Caribou kick lately, I've stopped there the past four days in a row and ordered the same thing, Sparkling Green Tea Lemonade. If that drink doesn't scream spring, I don't know what does. I continued my trend for the week and ordered my drink and E had a mini strawberry smoothie. We spent the morning reading books and chatting about the pictures on the wall. He was the perfect Caribou date!
Next stop was Trader Joe's. I like shopping at TJ's because of their unique selection and during the week it's not crowded at all. It's perfect to bring E there because I can let him walk freely and throw stuff in the cart without worrying he's going to get in someone's way. It's small too which makes it easier to keep an eye on him. Not to mention there's always samples and balloons or stickers for him to enjoy.
I couldn't resist the gorgeous spring flowers as I walked into Trader Joe's.
After groceries, it was home for lunch, a little construction site play and then down for a nap. Now I'm enjoying the quiet of my house and the crisp fresh spring air coming in the open window. Mike is continuing his alone time and went for a run. Tonight it's off to sister Andrea's for dinner, no cooking or dishes for me tonight!