Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our Night with Jen

Tonight my sister-in-law, Andrea, and I went to a book signing of one of our favorite authors, Jen Lancaster. She's on tour for her new book, The TAO of MARTHA.

This is a must read!  If you haven't read of one of Jen Lancaster's books, you are missing out.  She is hilarious!  Her newest book summarizes the ups and downs of spending a year trying to live life according to Martha Stewart.  Again, hilarious!  I've read all of her books and this is definitely one of my favorites.  It was great to see her in person tonight.  She's exactly what I expected; real, sarcastic and quite entertaining.  I've never been to a book signing and discussion before and it was great to hear her talk about her journey writing this book.

I'm such a fan of Jen Lancaster and I was so excited to meet her tonight.  I want to be her friend, so when it was my turn to get my book signed, I wanted to be prepared with something clever to say, something so she would remember me and want to be my friend too.  When it was my turn, I froze.  All I could muster up was a "Hi" and "I'm excited to be here."  So Jen and I won't be becoming Besties anytime soon.  But at least I got a signed copy of the book and a photo with her.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Attempting a Picnic Lunch

Today we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the park for the afternoon.  I got out my picnic gear including cute plates and napkins and loaded up a cooler.  My vision of the day was Mike, E, and I sitting on a blanket soaking in the sunshine eating a delicious lunch of chicken pasta salad and fruit.  Afterwards, we'd stroll over to the playground and E would run around.  Then maybe we'd head back to our blanket, relax, and take in the scenery.
The only part of my vision that was even remotely close was E running around the playground.  In fact, that's all he did.  Ever since he started walking that's all he wants to do.  It's go, go, go, constantly.  There was a time when I couldn't wait for him to start walking and now sometimes I think back fondly to the days when he would just sit in one spot and play with whatever was around him.  Don't get me wrong, I love that E has reached this milestone but it's a lot more work for Mom and Dad.  

I did get E to sit still for a few minutes to eat some watermelon (his new favorite food) but that's about all he ate.  The rest of the time was spent exploring the park and playing on the playground.  He had a smile on his face pretty much the entire afternoon.       

The next picnic I pack won't be as elaborate because now I know E could care less about the food I prepare of the cute plates I serve it on.  As long as he can run around and explore he's happy.  And if E is happy, Momma's happy! 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

We Did It!

Mike and I survived our first vacation away from E.  We've both been gone before but it's never been together and it's only been for 2 nights max.  But we finally did it, we took a vacation, 5 days and 4 nights together and away from E.  It was good for the two of us to get away and remember what it was like pre-E, but there were moments it was definitely hard.

We had a good excuse for vacation, Mike's childhood friend was getting married in New Hampshire.  There were 2 other couples traveling with us so we decided to add a day in Boston before we drove up to NH for the wedding festivities.

We had no problem reverting back to our carefree and childless ways.  We ate, drank, laughed and stayed up late like there was no tomorrow.  We did lots of reminiscing but also created new memories and made new friends.  Even though some of our friends live close by, we don't see them as much as we used to so it was great to spend time with everyone.

My mom was staying with E and she sent me text updates and I called her everyday.  I knew E was in good hands so I didn't worry about his care.  I just found myself missing him especially in the mornings.  Monday, our last full day of vacation, was especially hard.  By then the wedding was over, I was tired from lack of sleep and maybe had a slight hangover, I was ready to be home and see my little boy.

I do realize the importance of spending time away from my child.  Whether it's with Mike or my friends, I need that time to reconnect with myself and not get so wrapped up in being a mom.  When I got home yesterday, I felt refreshed when it came to my mommy duties.  I feel like I'm being a better Momma to him because I took the time to reconnect with myself and with Mike.  Mike and I actually had conversations that did not include E!  With all this being said, I'm in no hurry to vacation without E anytime soon.  For now I'm happy to be home with my boys and enjoy our summer.

Here's some pics from our vacation.  Once again, I found myself forgetting to take pictures and I've got to work on my photography skills.  Maybe one of these days I'll actually get a camera instead of just using my phone.

Samuel Adams Brewery Tour.  Lots of samples on the tour!

Party Trolley from brewery to Doyle's Bar.
Possibly one of the best parts of the trip.
Who knew a trolley could have a disco ball,
bubble machine, and a pretty sweet
sound system???  

The house we stayed at the first night had a gorgeous view.

Wedding Day!  My friends and I hiking
up to the ceremony site.  Yes, that is a beer
in hand.  

Ceremony Site

The groomsmen (and some random people) waiting for the show to start.

Bride and Groom
(And the Groom's parents heads.
Gotta work on those photography skills!)

The boys!
I found a hot Groomsman...and got an awesome farmer's tan!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Last Monday Funday

This was our last Monday Funday.  We leave for vacation Friday, come back on Tuesday, and then I start my new schedule on June 15th.  So now Mondays will be my Fridays.  Confusing I know but we'll adjust.  Pretty low key weekend at the Gesellchen house.  Here's our weekend in pics.

Saturday morning cartoons.

I think E liked his lunch.

Got some good sandbox time in.

Grilled salmon, grilled bread, tomato salad,
and a new coleslaw recipe.

Color time.

Found a way to look out the window,
and a new safety hazard.

Park time.

Golf with Dad.

Drinkin' and Swingin', life is good!