Mike and Evan have been spending Sunday afternoons at our good friend O'Malley's man-cave for football. It works out pretty well because I can catch up on sleep from working the night before and I don't feel guilty about not seeing E.
We jumped on the Breaking Bad bandwagon, we just finished Season 1 (pretty late to the party, I know). I'm cheap and borrow the DVDs from the library but I'm getting antsy waiting for Season 2 so I might just spring for it on Amazon Prime at $1.99 an episode. Did I mention I was cheap?
We made one last trip up North for the summer to help Mike's family on the farm house and see E's great-grandma.
E asserted his independence and decided he no longer needed a high-chair. One day he just refused to go in there. So we took the hint and got his booster seat ready to go.
Mike's been getting some fishing in. Unfortunately, this picture is the one and only fish he caught on his last trip.
We're also starting a remodeling project at our house, we're finishing our basement. I'm very excited to get this done because it will add so much more space to our house. We're still in the early stages, we're hoping to actually get boards up in the next 2 weeks!
The pics below are some old ones from a late summer visit to my mom and dad's. They were just too cute to not post.
E decided to re-pot Grandma's flower. |
Cooling off in the pool. |
Picking zucchini. |
Helping Grandpa dig potatoes. |
Feeding the goats. |
Hooray for blogging, whenever it comes! Also, Breaking Bad is on Netflix streaming, which at $8 is cheaper than paying per episode, provided you can manage 4 episodes a month.