Here's Cora at 4 Months Old:
- Weighs 13lbs 12.8oz, 30th percentile
- 24 inches long, 40th percentile
- Her eating is sporadic. It seems in the day she eats 2oz here and there but will down 4oz bottles in the morning, middle of the night, and right before bed.
- Still gets up once in the middle of the night. Sometimes she'll sleep until 5am but some nights she's up at 3am. Again, very sporadic.
- Loves toys. She likes to grab and chew on anything she can.
- Rolled over for the first time this week. Goes from back to tummy.
- Still rockn' it when it comes to tummy time.
- She is so smiley compared to E. I felt it was like pulling teeth to get E to smile. Cora is always smiling with her whole mouth. I love that big gummy smile!
Love that baby girl!