Tuesday, April 29, 2014


She's here, she's here!  And yes, I said SHE!  After thinking I was having a boy my entire pregnancy and the ultrasound tech slip up (read about that here), I was shocked when Mike stood up in the operating room and said "It's a girl!"  But we have ourselves a little Cora Lee and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Cora's birth was the complete opposite of Evan's.  Having a planned c-section, I was hoping things would go just like that...planned.  And they did.  Mike and I went to bed Sunday night just like we normally do and surprisingly we both got decent sleep.  When we woke up, it was like any normal day. My parents were here, but they visit often so that wasn't unusual.  The family had breakfast and coffee while watching the Today show, again, just like any normal morning.

We were to check in at 9:40 and around 8:30 is when things started to feel "real."  Mike and I were both ready to go and we had a lot of nervous energy.  We felt like we should be doing something, not just sitting around waiting.  After all, we were having a baby today.  When it was time to leave for the hospital we hugged and kissed everyone good-bye.  The next time I would be home, I would have a brand new baby.

Family picture right before we left for the hospital.
Checking into the hospital was a breeze.  We were shown to our room and we got settled in.  I put my surgical gown on and we waited.  Everything was so calm and relaxing.  The hospital even had relaxing music playing in the room.  During the next two hours the nurse took my vitals and prepped me. The surgical team stopped in and introduced themselves.  We met everyone from the anesthesiologist to the pediatric nurse that would be in the OR with us.  Our parents also popped in quickly to say hello and wish us luck.  In between visits Mike and I just kept grinning, we were so excited the day was finally here.  We also were taking last minute bets if baby was a boy or girl.  Every hour Mike was changing his mind but I was holding strong that we were having a boy.

Taking selfies while we wait.  I have my lovely surgical gown on.  
When it was time for surgery, Mike and I walked down to the OR together with the nurse.  It was funny because we passed the waiting room where our parents were anxiously waiting.  Their faces were priceless as they saw me smile and wave as I walked by on my way to have a baby.  Mike had to wait just outside the OR until I had my spinal and got the final preparations for the c-section. Everything seemed so casual, I just lied there on the table listening to the chatter of the nurses and the top 40 radio station in the background. They finally brought Mike in and our Dr. followed shortly.  I was much more alert for Cora's birth than I was with Evan's.

The c-section took longer than I expected.  Probably because I was so alert and anxious to meet my baby.  I could here Mike taking deep breaths and I would look over at him and ask if he was OK.  He said he was but he looked pretty nervous to me.  Finally the Dr. said "OK Dad, get ready."  Mike stood up and shortly announced, "It's a girl!."  I could hear the shock and excitement in his voice. The sweet cries of my baby girl soon followed and I felt relief.  Mike went with the baby while the nurses cleaned her up.  While I waited to meet my baby girl I just kept smiling and laughing...I have a daughter.  It was so weird to me.  I also remember thinking that I couldn't wait to get pedicures with her.

Mike came back in and said, "Here's Cora."  They laid Cora on my chest and we snuggled.  It was a moment I will always cherish.  She kept sucking on my chin and sticking her hand in my mouth.  I was completely on a new mommy high.  After a while, Mike and the nurses took Cora back to finish getting ready.  As I was getting wheeled out of the OR, my current favorite song was playing, Boys Chase Girls by Ingrid Michaelson, I took that as a sign that everything was going to be just fine.

We passed the waiting room again on the way back to my room.  I saw all my family and Mike's mom was holding Cora.  They were all so happy and full of smiles.  Mike came to our room with Cora as soon as I got back.  He had specific instructions to do this because with Evan, I was in my room alone for quite some time while the family held him and took pictures in the nursery.  I wanted my baby as soon as possible this time.

Mother Daughter selfie.
After the three of us bonded a bit, Mike went out to the waiting room to get Evan.  Andrea had brought him up to the hospital to meet his baby sister.  Evan came in wearing his Big Bro shirt and he had a Big Brother sticker on.  He also had a present for the baby.  Mike held Evan while he looked at Cora.  He smiled when Cora let out little squeaks.  Mike and I gave Evan a preset from Cora, a toy tracker.  As soon has he got that he was more interested in his new tractor than his sister.  Evan was a little shy around Mommy, he didn't want to sit in the bed with me, he preferred to stay with his Dad.

Mike, Cora and I stayed in the hospital for three days.  Evan came to visit us everyday and each day he warmed up to Cora more and more.  He liked to pat her head and give her kisses.  Once I was out of bed and moving around, Evan warmed back up to me as well.

The four of us are adjusting at home quite nicely.  My mom is staying with us for two weeks.  Mike was in a wedding the first weekend we were home so I definitely needed her there to help.  There are moments when things get chaotic but for the most part things are going smoothly.

Evan and Grandma made us a Welcome Home sign.

Big Brother Love!

Relaxing at home reading her Pooh book.
We are currently focused on getting Cora to eat.  She lost 11% of her birth weight and at her 1 week check-up only gained 2oz of it back.  Because of this, Cora isn't awake much.  We have to wake her for all feedings and keeping her awake while she eats is a struggle.  We had to introduce a bottle earlier than I had planned because she just wasn't getting enough milk by nursing.  We haven't had to use formula yet, but in my head I know that's probably coming. It's not what I wanted but right now I just want to make sure Cora is getting the nutrition she needs and is gaining weight.  We go back for a weight check on Thursday.  I'm crossing my fingers she is fattening up.      

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  This Easter was a little bit different for our family than years past. There was no big Easter dinner or big family get together. Today is our last day as a family of three. Tomorrow is the big day for Baby 2's arrival.  Mike and I wanted to keep things low key and enjoy our little family. We were blessed with 70 degree weather which made the day even better.

After E checked out his Easter basket, we headed to church.  It was a packed service.  Thankfully the weather was nice because people were sitting outside in the courtyard.  The church was beautifully decorated and I enjoyed the service.  E must have been worn out from checking out his Easter basket, he slept through the majority of the service.  

After church we tried to take some pictures but E was not in the mood.  He was ready to hunt for Easter eggs.  There's always next year for some nice Easter pictures.

My parents arrived this afternoon for Baby 2's arrival and we spent time outside playing and grilled burgers for our Easter dinner.  Mike's parents will drive over tomorrow and meet us at the hospital and Andrea will be spending the day with E and bring him to the hospital to meet his new brother or sister.

Mike and I are truly blessed to have such amazing family to support us.  Easter 2014 will always be a special time for us.

Here are some pics from the day:

Checking out his Easter basket.  New sand shovel!

Reading his new book.

Slept through church but sticks and trees caught his attention on the way out.

Attempt at Daddy and E pic.

Attempt at Mommy and E pic.

Easter egg hunt.

Easter egg hunt.

Brunch, stuffed french toast, bacon and fruit.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


This week I had an ultrasound to check in on the baby’s growth.  Moms with a history of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome potentially can have babies with lower birth weights.  Our Dr. wanted to make sure Baby 2 was growing in case I had to deliver earlier than the 21st.  We told the ultrasound tech right away that we didn't know the gender of the baby and we didn't want to know so make sure we didn't mistakenly see anything.  It was towards the end of the ultrasound and she was trying to get the baby’s heart rate and the tech made the comment, “HE won’t stop moving around.”  Now, I don’t know if she just said “He” and didn't mean anything by it or if she knew what the gender was and let it slip.  Mike didn't catch this comment during the ultrasound but now we’re all wondering… “Is Baby 2 a he?”  Only time will tell, 8 days to be exact, and we’ll find out! 

As far as the growth of the baby, just fine.  Estimated weight is 7lbs and 13oz. which seems huge compared to E who weighed in at a tiny 6lbs 6oz.