Mike and I had very different spring breaks this year. He spent his in Phoenix and Vegas, while I spent mine in Iowa and Minnesota. I feel like there’s something wrong with this situation! Mike has an annual guys trip to Vegas for March Madness. It was good for him to get away from his daily routine of being at home with E. It was good for me too, I really enjoyed the time I had with E. It’s rare the two of us get that much time together without Mike. My mom came to our house at the beginning of the week to watch E while Mike was gone and I worked. Then we drove to Iowa and spent a few days at the farm so we could see my dad and grandma. It’s always good to go back “home,” I’ll always be an Iowa country girl at heart. At the end of the week, Mom, E, and I drove back to Minnesota so I could start another week of work (12 working days left before maternity leave!) and Mike came home on Saturday. Mike said he had a fun trip but was ready to be home with his family.
We went out for lunch. |
Hi Jess, the pictures of my lovely nephew are not displaying. I just thought you might want to know. -