What a weekend! It was E's first birthday so the past few days have been whirlwind. I'm glad I'm taking this time to reflect on his first birthday and really let the experience sink in. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact a year ago I was in the hospital with him. I look at those pictures when he was first born and think "Where did this year go?" It has been an amazing year and it was a great weekend!
I had Thursday and Friday off last week for a total of five days no work. Amazing feeling and the time off really helped. I'm not even dreading going to work tomorrow. Thursday and Friday were cleaning days, both inside and outside the house. We not only wanted to be ready for E's party but we had a Realtor check our house out on Friday morning. We're just in the information gathering, checking out our options phase right now so more on that later. It's amazing what your house can look like when you take the time to pick up and de-clutter. My parents also arrived on Friday afternoon so Mike and I got even more stuff done around the house with their help. Plus the extra pair of hands to help with E makes chores easier.
Saturday was grocery shopping day and decorating for the party. I got some relaxing in too which was nice since the past two days Mike kept me busy with a long "To Do" list. I'm usually the one with the list and this change in roles wasn't sitting well with me.
Sunday was the day of the party. We've been planning this for months and it was finally here. I planned a dinosaur themed party. When E was very little he would make these noises that sounded like a little dinosaur. When he would make these noises, Mike and I would say "Dinosaur!" and it just kind of stuck. Ever since then I assumed he liked dinosaurs and bought anything dinosaur I could.
I was hoping weather would be nice so we could be outside. It was cold and rainy but we were able to get burgers and brats grilled. We had traditional picnic style food; veggies and dip, fruit, chips, potato salad and my dad's famous baked beans. I also tried a new recipe,
Brownie Batter Dip, which is delicious with graham crackers.
It was a really great day and my little E is so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I was so grateful for the people that were there to help us celebrate. It meant a lot to Mike and me. There were people that lived far away that couldn't make the trip but I know they were thinking of E on his special day as well. E is a very loved little boy and it was such a wonderful day to honor him and be grateful for the joy he has brought into our lives.
Here's some pics from the party:
Centerpieces |
E's Birthday Invites |
He dug right into the cake! |
First taste of cake! |
Mom, Dad, and E with his dinosaur cake. |
Present time! |
More presents. |
Golf clubs, he and Daddy are set for the summer. |
I love the dinosaur theme! And that cake is beyond gorgeous!